Whether a home has a yard filled with weeds and debris, is unclean and cluttered, needs painting, lacks proper lighting or has some cracks in the walls — these common issues all result in a visually unappealing property that turns buyers away.
As a Miami Realtor, you have probably heard of and may utilize the services of a real estate home stager to help you deal with these kinds of problems because you know that staged properties sell more quickly and usually receive higher offers from prospective buyers.
In fact, home staging and real estate enhancement has become such an integral part of the real estate sales process that instead of hiring someone else for all of their property staging needs, many Miami Realtors are deciding to add home staging to their list of client services.
With the right real estate staging training, a Realtor can use the home staging skills they learn to speed up the sale of a property and increase the equity secured by their client. Sterling Home Styling’s 2-Day Miami Realtor Home Stage a Property to Sell Training Course is geared specifically to Miami real estate professionals who want to learn how to stage a home to gain a competitive edge in the Miami real estate market – ultimately improving your listing’s buyer appeal.
Sterling Home Styling’s 2-Day Miami Realtor Home Staging Training Course will teach you the secrets to transforming a dull and uninspiring property into an attractive and welcoming home that appeals to the widest possible audience, providing your client with the maximum return on their investment.
Sterling Home Styling’s Miami Realtor Home Staging Training Course will teach you the following:
Day 1:
10am to 1pm — We will discuss the theory involved in doing a home consultation.
- Gain extensive knowledge of current trends in interior décor
- Learn how to highlight a property’s strengths by utilizing design fundamentals such as color theory and space planning to achieve maximum results.
- Learn the steps in conducting an initial consultation
- Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your client’s goals with a focus on layout assessment, color choices, interior décor and lighting as well as storage needs
- Know when to make kitchen and bathroom recommendations for updates
2pm to 5pm — We will go on site and complete a group consultation for three condominiums.
- Using the consultation process taught in the first half of the day, you will assess three properties and provide recommendations for home improvements and organization including basic design materials, designing with textiles, wall treatments, accessorizing and color palette selection as well as the arrangement of furnishings, window treatments, lighting, specialty flooring, artwork and décor selection and placement.
Day 2: 10am to 5pm — Group consultations.
- You will continue to hone the home staging techniques you learned by performing group consultations with your actual clients for five different condominiums
- Gain real-world experience as you learn about the most common design mistakes that home stagers make and how to avoid them.
Course materials include the Sterling Home Styling Home Staging for Realtors workbook on how to complete a room-by-room consultation, which can continue to be used for future client consultations.
Sterling Home Styling’s intensive and proven training methods provide in-depth knowledge and insight combined with practical experience under the supervision and guidance of our home staging experts.
The Benefits of Sterling Home Styling’s Miami Realtor Home Staging Training are the following:
Upon successful completion of our 2-Day Realtor Home Staging Training Course, you will receive a certificate as a Certified Home Staging Realtor.
Realtors attending the Sterling Home Styling 2-Day Miami Realtor Home Staging Training Course should have current listings they want to stage. Your property listings will be assessed as part of the interactive exercises during training for practical application.
Downtown Miami: Wednesday and Thursday, September 2 – 3, 2015
Hours: 10am – 5pm
Lunch on your own: 1pm – 2pm
Registration closes: August 25, 2015
Fees: $500
Late registration fee: $150
For late registrants, please enter the number 1.3 into the box above and press submit.
Upon receipt of your registration form, we will email you a Welcome Package outlining the logistics of the training program, a detailed agenda, and more. These pictures are used as illustrative examples of current listings in Miami which are staged to sell versus reflect the current home owner’s interior decor which may not have wide buyer appeal.
Sterling Home Styling is a division of Global Image Group, Inc. with offices located at 990 Biscayne Blvd., Office 502, Miami FL 33132.
About Sterling Home Styling
Sterling Home Styling combines image consulting with home staging, interior redesign and interior styling services to provide ‘sterling home styling’ services for residential spaces and new or vacant luxury condominiums, homes or real estate developments in Miami, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Dubai. The company offers a broad range of services enabling its clients to realize the true selling potential of their home, improve its marketability, and realize a maximum return on investment.
Theresa Laurenti, Business Development Manager
USA: +1.888.868.8329