When staging and styling your home, it is important not to overlook any possible way to generate immediate interest from potential buyers. Sterling Home Styling offers Feng Shui consultation services to clients in Miami, New York, L.A. and Dubai that are interested in going beyond the basics of home staging to explore the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui and the concept that the environment of our home affects the environment of our mind.
In recent years, Feng Shui has become increasingly popular in interior design and home staging. It is based on three basic principles – that everything is alive, connected, and always changing – and revolves much around the five elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. It is also heavily influenced by positive and negative energy flows.
You may or may not believe in the tenets of Feng Shui, but you never know what small change will make a difference to a prospective buyer or what sort of things they are looking for in a property. That is why Sterling Home Styling strongly suggests a Feng Shui consultation as part of a comprehensive approach to your home styling and staging needs on a room by room basis or for your entire property.
Through Feng Shui Home Styling, we will establish the following to harmonize your home and change the energy of your property to attract more buyers:
• Identify areas of blocked energy throughout your home and advise you on how to use Feng Shui techniques to enhance and improve the energy flow of your home or perform the services for you.
• Identify how to strategically place the five elements of Feng Shui in your home to balance and strengthen the flow of positive energy throughout the environment.
• Strategically use lighting, plants, and color to maximize movement, set the tone and intention of the environment, and welcome guests.
• Create a harmonious and nourishing space that promote calmness and well-being.
Discover the power of Feng Shui and see what the buzz is all about. Contact Sterling Home Styling to schedule your Feng Shui Interior Décor Home Styling consultation and bring the energy of fresh air, warmth and light into your home.
Sterling Home Styling Dubai: +971 04 313 2467